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Unibox is Shortlisted for Two Creative Retail Awards!

Unibox is Shortlisted for Two Creative Retail Awards!

Unibox is Shortlisted for Two Creative Retail Awards!

We were thrilled to learn that our team’s efforts on the roll-out of Schuh’s TwentyTwenty store concept has been recognised for the quality and originality of its design by the judges of this year’s Creative Retail Awards!

A collaborative effort between Unibox and the brand design consultants at Briggs Hillier, the TwentyTwenty concept is a radical revision of the footwear retailer’s existing store format. It features unique, goalpost-inspired structures with integrated LED illumination that span the full height and width of the stores to draw the attention of shoppers inside and lead them subtly through key product activations, promotions, and exclusive offerings.

The project has been shortlisted in two categories of this year’s Creative Retail Awards – Lighting Design and Overall Store Collaboration. Our team will be attending the awards ceremony in September alongside the other entries and we want to wish all of our friends, partners, and industry associates the very best of luck with their shortlisted projects!