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Advantages of LED Signage

Advantages of LED Signage LED signage has revolutionised the way businesses promote their brands and products. With their eye-catching appeal and versatility, they offer numerous advantages to both sign-makers and customers. How can LED signage benefit you and your business? 1. Enhancing Brand Visibility: LED signage is an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to create… Continue reading Advantages of LED Signage

Creating ‘Instagrammable’ hospitality venues with memorable lighting

Creating ‘Instagrammable’ hospitality venues with memorable lighting If bar or restaurant patrons are impressed by a venue as part of their overall experience, it encourages them to share photos and videos with their contacts. Social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok play a crucial role in promoting a venue online. This type of publicity… Continue reading Creating ‘Instagrammable’ hospitality venues with memorable lighting

Biophilia – Inspiration for bringing the outside in

Biophilia – Inspiration for bringing the outside in Elements of biophilic design within a workspace or retail environment are for so much more than the aesthetic, as research demonstrates the importance of including examples of nature in the design of communal spaces. Using lightboxes to provide natural light and walls covered with living greenery can… Continue reading Biophilia – Inspiration for bringing the outside in

Using Light Panels to Illuminate Surfaces

Using Light Panels to Illuminate Surfaces Illuminated surfaces have grown in popularity for creating stand-out and striking focal points, particularly within commercial workplaces, hospitality venues and retail environments. Unibox have used light panels to illuminate flooring, bar tops, bespoke retail shelving, a reception desk and even a sink. Here are some stunning examples of Unibox… Continue reading Using Light Panels to Illuminate Surfaces

What Makes a Luxury Space?

What Makes a Luxury Space? Luxury retail is a section of the retail industry which specialise in selling high quality goods for high-end prices. Fashion houses such as Prada and Christian Louboutin use their iconic brand names and reputation as a luxury business to establish themselves as a premium store in comparison to fast-fashion stores… Continue reading What Makes a Luxury Space?

EuroShop 2023 Insights

EuroShop 2023 Insights EuroShop 2023 offered insight into new and upcoming products and technology through exhibitions, presentations and displays. Retailers and brands from over 140 countries attended this year’s show, which was amazing to see considering that strikes caused many people to miss out. If you are one of those who unfortunately couldn’t attend, don’t… Continue reading EuroShop 2023 Insights

Ways to Increase Retail Footfall

Ways to Increase Retail Footfall The rise of online retailers, along with pandemic restrictions and the ease of next day delivery, has caused a decline in customers shopping in brick and mortar stores, with people opting for the convenience of online shopping. With four in five UK consumers being digital buyers, traditional retail stores have… Continue reading Ways to Increase Retail Footfall

International Women’s Day 2023: Embrace Equity

International Women’s Day 2023: Embrace Equity. International women’s day is a day devoted to celebrating the achievements of women and seeking gender equality around the world. This year we are focusing on how we can #EmbraceEquity, which recognises that each person has different circumstances, and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an… Continue reading International Women’s Day 2023: Embrace Equity

Unibox participate in Specifying Bespoke Lighting Panel discussion

Unibox participate in Specifying Bespoke Lighting Panel discussion As part of the LiGHT22 talks programme, the Specifying Bespoke Lighting panel looked at how popular bespoke lighting services are becoming. Questions covered the kind of projects that require bespoke solutions and what complexities and processes are involved. The panel featured some of the leading designers in… Continue reading Unibox participate in Specifying Bespoke Lighting Panel discussion

Designing Classrooms to Promote Learning and Student Wellbeing

Modular furniture and flexible LED lighting systems enable the creation of outstanding educational facilities.