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Finsbury Business Centre Neonist Signage

A green moss-covered wall features neon text within a stylish lightbox that reads: EAT. SLEEP. EYE ROLL. REPEAT. Below the sign, wooden tables and chairs are adorned with small flower vases, creating a cozy ambiance.

Finsbury Business Centre Neonist Signage

The Finsbury Business Centre creates a biophilic oasis for its tenants using Neonist signage.

We partnered with Innerspace Cheshire on the design and manufacture of bespoke LED signage for the cafe space located inside Clerkenwell’s Finsbury Business Centre. Following a brief to create a relaxing, friendly environment in which the building’s tenants could hold lunchtime meetings, we engineered a solution using our Neonist range of illuminated lettering.

Each letter was fixed onto a timber back panel before being surrounded by tightly-packed Naturemoss – sustainably sourced Icelandic moss that requires no upkeep to remain fresh – to create an installation inspired by biophilic design trends.