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Radley Window Display Roll-out

The store window display features handbags with a sign boasting up to 70% off plus an extra 20% off outlet prices. Lightboxes highlight the bold orange and white background, while various handbags are elegantly arranged on shelves.

Radley Window Display Roll-out

British accessories retailer, Radley, appoints Unibox to design and manufacture a striking window display for its outlet stores.

Radley wanted to transform the look and feel of the window displays in its outlet stores by creating more eye-catching installations with a wider range of functionalities and built-in merchandising options.

We engineered a solution using our Magnetik product display technology to provide a series of adjustable shelves and hooks that appeared to be magically floating in mid-air.

The Magnetik shelves were fixed directly onto fabric-faced LED lightboxes to maximise the visibility of the displays and, ultimately, increase brand awareness for Radley.