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Samsung Selfridges Motion Lightbox

A Samsung store with bright digital displays and eye-catching lightboxes advertising the Galaxy Note and other products. The interior showcases various electronic gadgets and accessories, featuring a modern design and well-lit ambiance.

Samsung Selfridges Motion Lightbox

Unibox engineers dynamic LED lightboxes for Samsung’s brand presence inside Selfridges.

Our team worked alongside brand experience consultants, Dalziel & Pow, to create a series of striking dynamic lightboxes for Samsung. We used our Kinetik technology to develop a custom solution that would enable our client to display moving graphics without the restrictions or costs associated with LCD screens.

Kinetik lightboxes provided a display system that was quicker to install, easier to update, and used less energy than standard TV screens, all things which enabled Samsung to keep pace with changing trends while upholding its environmental responsibilities.