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Sky Q Custom Lightbox Display Roll-Out

A modern retail display system features a large screen titled Sky Q with vibrant colors in the background. The screen has a message prompting users to swipe their Sky pass to start their journey, complemented by LED lightboxes and three shelves mounted beside the screen.

Sky Q Custom Lightbox Display Roll-Out

Unibox collaborates with Avvio Reply to develop interactive LED lightbox displays for the launch of Sky Q.

Our team worked in partnership with the creative communications specialists at Avvio Reply to design and manufacture a series of custom LED lightboxes for the eagerly-anticipated launch of Sky’s newest viewing platform, Sky Q. To create a multi-functional installation that provided Sky with the ability to showcase all the features of its new product, we used a range of different technologies.

We used fabric-faced LED lightboxes with Kinetik animations to achieve a high-impact display that would make a lasting impression on Sky’s target markets. These were paired with illuminated shelves to maximise the visibility of the products being launched and built-in TV screens to deliver an interactive brand experience.

Sky Q Light Panel