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L’Oréal reconfigurable Pop-up display stand

Short description about the project.

Exhibition and Event Trends for 2022

What design trends will define the exhibition and events sector in the year ahead? This is a question that exhibitors, organisers and contractors all want to answer in order to remain agile against their competitors. They need to know what values and ideas will their target audiences want to see being acknowledged when they attend… Continue reading Exhibition and Event Trends for 2022

Experiential Retail Design

Experiential Retail Design The term “experiential design” is heard a lot in retail…but what does it actually mean? And, more importantly, how can retailers use it to their advantage to provide the shopping experiences that customers have now come to expect? Experiential retail design is defined as being… “…the practice of employing experiential values in… Continue reading Experiential Retail Design

How Can Signage Help Store Layout and Customer Flow?

How Retail Signage Improves Wayfinding and Customer Flow Signage is one of the most important aspects of retail environments. It is found everywhere in stores of all types and ensures that brands are instantly visible to their target markets and able to present their product ranges in eye-catching yet accessible ways. Within retail, signs can… Continue reading How Can Signage Help Store Layout and Customer Flow?

Retail Concessions

Retail Concessions A retail concession is a dedicated space within a single-brand store that is used by a non-related but complementary brand. Retail concessions are essentially shops within a shop and serve as an effective way for brands to attract a wider demographic of customers whilst offering engaging, unique in-store experiences. As the popularity of… Continue reading Retail Concessions