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Superdry Manchester Concept Store Signage

Unibox combines its modular system with LED lightboxes to create ultra-effective wayfinding signage for SuperDry.

Superdry Cardiff POS Illuminated Signage

Unibox creates illuminated POS signage for Superdry’s Cardiff store.

LED Lightboxes for Superdry’s Berlin Flagship

LED lightboxes for Superdry’s Berlin flagship store.

River Island Custom Shaped Lightboxes

Custom LED lightbox installations transform River Island’s biggest stores.

Hope Technology Exhibition Stand Illumination

Unibox supplies a modular display system that would stand out in crowded exhibition halls full of competing products.

The Scalpel Colour Changing Staircase

Unibox designs and manufactures a bespoke illuminated staircase for one of the world’s biggest insurance companies.