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Glasswells Illuminated Signage

Unibox engineers illuminated wayfinding signage for Glasswells showrooms.

Finsbury Business Centre Neonist Signage

The Finsbury Business Centre creates an urban oasis for its commercial tenants with custom Neonist signage.

Dunelm Decorative Lightboxes

Unibox creates a custom system of LED lightboxes with a colour temperature that mimicked daylight.

Barclays Sign-Up Kiosk Rollout

Self-service kiosks with integrated illumination transform Barclays high-street branches.

ASDA George Retail Signage Rollout

Unibox develops a range of illuminated signage solutions for Asda stores across the UK.

Tekzone Selfridges Bespoke RGB Lighting Scheme

Unibox creates a bespoke LED lighting system for Tekzone’s Selfridges store.