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Adidas vs. Asics: Comparing Two Approaches to Brand Activations

Adidas and Asics are two of the world’s biggest, most well-known sportswear brands and both recognise the value of pop-up stores and event spaces for facilitating high-impact brand activations. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the ways in which Adidas and Asics have used branded display spaces to promote key product ranges… Continue reading Adidas vs. Asics: Comparing Two Approaches to Brand Activations

Flagships vs Pop Up: What Creates the Best Customer Experience?

Flagships vs Pop-ups: What store format creates the best customer experience? There are two main types of store formats that are used by retailers all over the world – flagship stores and pop-up stores. This article will look into the defining features of both types and examine which one creates the best shopping experience for… Continue reading Flagships vs Pop Up: What Creates the Best Customer Experience?