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Illuminated Office Graphics for KPMG

Graphic LED lightboxes create the perfect working environment for KPMG in Leeds.

How Does Colour Temperature Affect Lightboxes and Graphic Displays?

How does colour temperature affect lightboxes and graphic displays? With LED lighting now mainstream in commercial and residential environments, most people know about the effect varying colour temperatures can create. In essence, the colour temperature (measured in degrees Kelvin) is responsible for changing the appearance of the light that is emitted from a diode. LEDs… Continue reading How Does Colour Temperature Affect Lightboxes and Graphic Displays?

Experiential Retail Design

Experiential Retail Design The term “experiential design” is heard a lot in retail…but what does it actually mean? And, more importantly, how can retailers use it to their advantage to provide the shopping experiences that customers have now come to expect? Experiential retail design is defined as being… “…the practice of employing experiential values in… Continue reading Experiential Retail Design

Comparing the New Nike and Adidas Stores in New York

Nike vs. Adidas: A side-by-side comparison of two iconic New York stores Nike and Adidas are two of the biggest, most well-known brands on the planet. They both have an international presence, millions of devoted customers and some of the best, most celebrated retail design concepts around. As part of their arsenals of physical stores,… Continue reading Comparing the New Nike and Adidas Stores in New York

Mitsubishi Lakeside Motion Sky Ceiling Lightboxes

Unibox creates window-effect ceiling lightboxes to bring rolling clouds into Mitsubishi’s store.

Active In Style Illuminated Retail Displays

Active In Style creates an ultra-functional flagship retail space using LED lightboxes with floating shelves.