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Merrell Exhibition Stand Displays

Unibox and Whiteroom Agency collaborate on the creation of a show stopping exhibition stand for Merrell.

Exhibition Stand Design Ideas

The world of exhibitions and events is about as competitive and fast-paced as they come. Brands, suppliers and organisers are constantly up against tight deadlines, difficult working conditions and strict safety regulations…so it’s not surprising that prioritising the design of exhibition stands sometimes falls by the wayside. But, if making an impact on attendees is… Continue reading Exhibition Stand Design Ideas

What Makes a Good Exhibition Stand?

There are a number of different things that exhibitors and exhibition stand designers need to consider when creating exhibition stands that are equipped to perform as required when the exhibition hall doors open. Things like the overall concept, lighting, product displays, offers and events, lead-capturing processes and more all need to be factored into the… Continue reading What Makes a Good Exhibition Stand?

Exhibition and Event Trends for 2022

What design trends will define the exhibition and events sector in the year ahead? This is a question that exhibitors, organisers and contractors all want to answer in order to remain agile against their competitors. They need to know what values and ideas will their target audiences want to see being acknowledged when they attend… Continue reading Exhibition and Event Trends for 2022

Lighting Exhibition Spaces

The Best Lighting for Exhibition Stands Lighting is one of the most important yet underutilized aspects of exhibition stand design. It can decide how a brand’s presence at an exhibition or event is perceived by visitors and can completely transform the ways in which products are presented. There are many different types of lighting that… Continue reading Lighting Exhibition Spaces

5 Benefits of Modular Systems

5 Benefits of Modular Exhibition Stands Modular systems are one of the best assets for brands and businesses working in and around the exhibition industry. Flexible, customisable, adaptable and cost-effective, modular systems can be used to create an infinite array of temporary structures that offer all the functionalities needed to ensure they deliver right when… Continue reading 5 Benefits of Modular Systems

Creative Ideas for Exhibition Stands

How can you design exhibition stands that are guaranteed to generate leads, facilitate networking and make a lasting impact on attendees? With exhibitions and events being some of the most fast-paced, highly-competitive environments around, standing out from the crowd is of central importance. This isn’t always straightforward, though, with things like budget restraints, tight deadlines… Continue reading Creative Ideas for Exhibition Stands

Arla Pro Modular Exhibition Stand

Arla Pro made a lasting impression on its target audiences with an exhibition stand built from Unibox System.

Tension Fabric Exhibition Stand for Liv Bicycles

Unibox uses its TFS product range to provide a show-stopping display system for LIV.

Hope Technology Exhibition Stand Illumination

Unibox supplies a modular display system that would stand out in crowded exhibition halls full of competing products.